Former Birmingham Mail editor Stacey Barnfield set up a company called Draw My City and the Colour Palette Company. He has also been involved in Staying Cool's Creative Heights programmes. His Colour Palette's can be seen in Birmingham at Grand Central, in Warwick at Warwick Station and in Royal Leamington Spa in a subway below the station.

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Stacey Barnfield's Colour Palette's in Birmingham, Warwick and Royal Leamington Spa

Stacey Barnfield's Colour Palette's in Birmingham, Warwick and Royal Leamington Spa

Former Birmingham Mail editor Stacey Barnfield set up a company called Draw My City and the Colour Palette Company. He has also been involved in Staying Cool's Creative Heights programmes. His Colour Palette's can be seen in Birmingham at Grand Central, in Warwick at Warwick Station and in Royal Leamington Spa in a subway below the station.

Go here for Stacey Barnfield's Draw My City website, if you wish to purchase any of his products.


The Birmingham Colour Palette

The Birmingham Colour Palette seen in Grand Central during June 2021. This is if you are heading to the Stephenson Street exit of Birmingham New Street Station. Was covering over vacant units.

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The Birmingham Colour Palette and Draw My City seen in Grand Central during October 2022. More vacant units were covered by Stacey's art beyond the Kitty Cafe.

dndimg alt="Birmingham Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Draw%20my%20City%20BGCB%2025102022%20(2).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="Birmingham Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Draw%20my%20City%20BGCB%2025102022%20(1).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />


The Warwick Colour Palette

The Warwick Colour Palette is located on platform 1 at Warwick Station, as seen during April 2023. The station is currently being renovated, so the subway and station building were closed.

dndimg alt="The Warwick Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Warwick%20Colour%20Palette%20(Apr%202023)%20(1).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="The Warwick Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Warwick%20Colour%20Palette%20(Apr%202023)%20(2).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

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Seen from the Chiltern Mainline, when the train stopped at Warwick Station during December 2023. The Warwick Colour Palette is to the right of the temporary entrance to platform 1 (half the platform is still closed during these works).

dndimg alt="The Warwick Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Warwick%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(1).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="The Warwick Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Warwick%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(2).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />


The Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette

The Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette is located in the pedestrian subway below Leamington Spa Station (not the subway between platforms 2 and 3). The panels are on both sides of the subways walls.

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dndimg alt="Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Leamington%20Spa%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(2).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Leamington%20Spa%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(3).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Leamington%20Spa%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(4).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Leamington%20Spa%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(5).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

 Photography by Elliott Brown