What a day that was! View the article for a selection of wonderful  photography taken at the St. Patrick's Parade in Birmingham. Our project runs for the week till St. Patrick's Day itself - take the project link for more. 


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St. Patrick's Parade in Birmingham - Great day had by all!

St. Patrick's Parade in Birmingham - Great day had by all!

What a day that was! View the article for a selection of wonderful  photography taken at the St. Patrick's Parade in Birmingham. Our project runs for the week till St. Patrick's Day itself - take the project link for more. 


This selection of wonderful photography taken in Birmingham at the excellent St. Patrick's Parade has been supplied by three of Birmingham We Are's 'People with Passion - Barry Whitehead, Tammie Naughton and Elliott Brown,


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Photo by Tammie Naughton

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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Elliott Brown


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Photo by Tammie Naughton


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Elliott Brown


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Photo by Tammie Naughton


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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Photo by Elliott Brown 


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Photo by Barry Whitehead


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